Earlier this year I joined a fitness group run by The Gym Van. I was apprehensive at first getting back into fitness after a long break. But I can honestly say that it was the right thing for me to do, not just to lose a bit of weight and to get fit but also to get out and do something for myself and to meet new people.
I knew a few people that do the classes but those I didn’t know made it easy to join in. Everyone supports each other and whatever your goals are, lose weight, get fit, tone up there’s a class and exercises to suit you.
I'm now starting to work with the The Gym Van who approached me as their website needed a complete overhaul. There was one image being used across the entire site, pages with no content, no core information to educate readers as to the services available. Now that the website has been refreshed there is now a place to direct traffic to with relevant information, class times, prices, testimonials, an image gallery, video content and call to action buttons across to site to drive enquiries.
My next project for The Gym Van is social media content and share activity across local community facebook pages and group.
I have worked with this new client on a project basis, firstly to deliver the website programme and secondly to drive a coordinated social content programme commencing in the new year. Once these are completed I will be working with the client on an adhoc basis, depending on what is required from a website update, blog content, and social media posts.
And as a client myself I'm looking forward to training again in the new year after a couple of weeks of eating and drinking too much!